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Table of Contents

  1. Introduction
  2. Area Commission
  3. Information Technology
  4. Plans and Analysis
  5. Marketing
  6. Financial Affairs
  7. Facilities Management
  8. Human Resources and Employee Relations

    8-0-0 Non-Discrimination of Persons with Disabilities Policy

    8-1-0 Affirmative Action and Non-Discrimination Policy

    8-1-1 Employment Practices

    8-1-3 Establishment and Classification of Positions

    8-1-4 Teacher and Employee Retention Incentive Program (TERI)

    8-2-0 Sexual Harassment and Unprofessional Conduct

    8-2-1 Sexual Harassment and Unprofessional Conduct: Reporting, Investigation, Resolution and Grievance Process

    8-3-2 Hazardous Weather

    8-4-1 Personnel Work Schedules and Overtime Compensation

    8-4-2 Employment of Temporary Faculty

    8-4-3 Employment of Temporary Classified Employees

    8-4-4 Adjunct Faculty Salary

    8-5-1 Faculty, Teaching

    8-5-3 English Fluency Requirements for Faculty Employment

    8-5-4 Intellectual Property Rights

    8-6-1 Political Activity

    8-7-1 Employee Alcohol/Drug Use

    8-8-1 Employment Verification

    8-8-2 Background Checks

    8-9-0 Conflict of Interest Policy/Ethics, Government Accountability & Campaign Reform Act of 1991

    8-9-1 Honorariums, Gratuities, and Gifts

    8-9-2 Prohibition of Unauthorized Use of College Assets/Information

    8-9-3 Solicitation and Distribution of Non-College Related Materials

    8-9-4 Employee Recognition, Official and Unofficial

    8-10-1 Employee Terminations

    8-12-1 Personnel Files

    8-13-1 Leave Records

    8-13-2 Leave, Temporary Disability

    8-13-3 Leave Without Pay

    8-13-4 Workers' Compensation

    8-13-5 Employee Assistance Guidelines

    8-13-6 Employee Leave Transfer Program

    8-13-8 Faculty Non-Work Days

    8-13-10 Employee Benefits, Employer-Contributed Insurance & Retirement

    8-14-1 Secondary Employment

    8-15-1 Classified Employees Compensation

    8-16-1 Orientation, New Employees

    8-16-2 Telecommuting

    8-17-1 Holidays

    8-18-1 Employment of Relatives (Nepotism)

    8-19-0 Statement of Ethical Principles for Employees

    8-21-0 Whistleblower Policy

    8-21-1 Whistleblower Procedure

    8-22-1 Records Retention

  9. Development
  10. Procurement and Inventory Control
  11. Auxiliary Enterprises and Printing Services
  12. Public Safety
  13. Division of Education
  14. Intentionally Left Blank for Future Use
  15. Intentionally Left Blank for Future Use
  16. Admissions and Registrar
  17. Student Services

NUMBER: 8-9-1 APPROVED DATE: 01-28-1999


SBTCE Policy 8-0-105 Ethics Requirements for Employees and Public Officials

PURPOSE:  To establish Trident Technical College's (TTC) procedure for honorariums, gratuities, and gifts.

Guidance and Expectations

TTC employees work hard, and it is understandable that citizens and businesses may want to show gratitude for a good working relationship or a job well done.  Acceptance of these gifts by TTC employees, however, has the potential to create real or perceived favoritism toward particular customers, vendors, or businesses, undue influence, or a real or perceived conflict of interest.  Thus, the best practice is to avoid this situation.

State employees cannot accept additional compensation from any individual, group or organization to whom professional services is rendered during the hours the employee is working for the state. Whether in-state or out-of-state, an employee should not accept an honorarium or similar gift for services rendered on state time or at state expense. However, an employee may accept amounts awarded in appreciation of help and services provided, such as honorariums or amounts for miscellaneous expenses from the Southern Association of Colleges and Schools and similar organizations, with prior approval of the President. To obtain approval, employees should submit the invitation to participate in the accreditation review from the Southern Association of Colleges and Schools and similar organizations, including documentation of the honorarium or miscellaneous expense amount, along with the travel request to the internal auditor and President.

TTC prohibits acceptance of gifts from sales representatives, vendors, or business organizations wishing to acknowledge or attract favorable relationships, whether such gifts are tendered at the College or elsewhere.  

Gifts that include travel, lodging and/or meal expenses paid for on behalf of an employee to participate in a work-related event that is beneficial to the College, and could otherwise have been paid for by TTC, is a gift to TTC, not the individual employee, and is not prohibited with the following two exceptions: (1) a state agency may never receive a gift from a lobbyist; and (2) a state agency may receive a gift from a lobbyist principal up to the amounts prescribed by the State Ethics Commission.  The employee must obtain appropriate prior approval and should never accept any type of monetary instruments such as cash, checks, or gift cards of any type.

The Ethics, Government Accountability and Campaign Reform Act of 1991 and Trident Policy 8-9-0 explains these issues in more detail.  Refer any questions concerning this matter or any potential conflict of interest in writing to the College's Internal Auditor.

The Ethics Act does not prohibit employees summoned to jury duty from accepting pay in accordance with SBTCE Procedure 8-3-103.1, "Jury Duty, Grievance, and Court Leave."

Updated: 08-25-2010

Updated: 03-21-2016

Updated: 05-15-2017

Updated: 01-11-2018