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Table of Contents

  1. Introduction
  2. Area Commission
  3. Information Technology
  4. Plans and Analysis
  5. Marketing
  6. Financial Affairs
  7. Facilities Management
  8. Human Resources and Employee Relations

    8-0-0 Non-Discrimination of Persons with Disabilities Policy

    8-1-0 Affirmative Action and Non-Discrimination Policy

    8-1-1 Employment Practices

    8-1-3 Establishment and Classification of Positions

    8-1-4 Teacher and Employee Retention Incentive Program (TERI)

    8-2-0 Sexual Harassment and Unprofessional Conduct

    8-2-1 Sexual Harassment and Unprofessional Conduct: Reporting, Investigation, Resolution and Grievance Process

    8-3-2 Hazardous Weather

    8-4-1 Personnel Work Schedules and Overtime Compensation

    8-4-2 Employment of Temporary Faculty

    8-4-3 Employment of Temporary Classified Employees

    8-4-4 Adjunct Faculty Salary

    8-5-1 Faculty, Teaching

    8-5-3 English Fluency Requirements for Faculty Employment

    8-5-4 Intellectual Property Rights

    8-6-1 Political Activity

    8-7-1 Employee Alcohol/Drug Use

    8-8-1 Employment Verification

    8-8-2 Background Checks

    8-9-0 Conflict of Interest Policy/Ethics, Government Accountability & Campaign Reform Act of 1991

    8-9-1 Honorariums, Gratuities, and Gifts

    8-9-2 Prohibition of Unauthorized Use of College Assets/Information

    8-9-3 Solicitation and Distribution of Non-College Related Materials

    8-9-4 Employee Recognition, Official and Unofficial

    8-10-1 Employee Terminations

    8-12-1 Personnel Files

    8-13-1 Leave Records

    8-13-2 Leave, Temporary Disability

    8-13-3 Leave Without Pay

    8-13-4 Workers' Compensation

    8-13-5 Employee Assistance Guidelines

    8-13-6 Employee Leave Transfer Program

    8-13-8 Faculty Non-Work Days

    8-13-10 Employee Benefits, Employer-Contributed Insurance & Retirement

    8-14-1 Secondary Employment

    8-15-1 Classified Employees Compensation

    8-16-1 Orientation, New Employees

    8-16-2 Telecommuting

    8-17-1 Holidays

    8-18-1 Employment of Relatives (Nepotism)

    8-19-0 Statement of Ethical Principles for Employees

    8-21-0 Whistleblower Policy

    8-21-1 Whistleblower Procedure

    8-22-1 Records Retention

  9. Development
  10. Procurement and Inventory Control
  11. Auxiliary Enterprises and Printing Services
  12. Public Safety
  13. Division of Education
  14. Intentionally Left Blank for Future Use
  15. Intentionally Left Blank for Future Use
  16. Admissions and Registrar
  17. Student Services

NUMBER: 8-9-0 APPROVED DATE: 05-19-1998

LEGAL AUTHORITY: S.C. CODE ANN. ยงยง8-13-100 THROUGH 8-13-1520


SBTCE Policy 8-0-105 Ethics Requirements for Employees and Public Officials

PURPOSE:  The Ethics, Government Accountability and Campaign Reform Act of 1991 was passed by the South Carolina General Assembly in an effort to make the government function in a manner "free from all threats, favoritism, undue influence and all forms of impropriety so that confidence of the public is not eroded."

The South Carolina Ethics Commission and the Attorney General are responsible for oversight/ enforcement of the Act, as it relates to state employees. Areas which may require the College's compliance under the Act include, but are not limited to, those listed below.

  1. Conferences and meetings which are hosted by the College or professional organizations;
  2. Travel and conference/meeting expenses if paid for by an entity other than the College;
  3. Procurement;
  4. Contacts with and/or invitations to elected or governmental officials on behalf of the College;
  5. Gifts or loans of "anything of value" to College employees by anyone who does business with the College;
  6. Consultant activities;
  7. Honoraria;
  8. Speaking engagements on behalf of the College or for personal reasons;
  9. Confidential information;
  10. Relationships with individuals or corporations doing business with the College;
  11. Influence on behalf of a family member for employment in any area of the College;
  12. Contract and bid negotiations;
  13. Textbook review for pay; and,
  14. Secondary or dual employment.

State employees have a duty of loyalty to the State as their employer.  Certain dealings outside of work, both personal and financial, have the potential to create an actual or perceived conflict in fulfilling this duty to the State.  Employees of the College should avoid these situations by limiting certain dealings outside of their employment or removing themselves from particular matters.

The Internal Auditor provides ethics training to faculty and staff during new employee orientation.  The Area Commission reviews this policy, along with Policy 2-3-0 Code of Conduct, annually and completes a conflict of interest disclosure form.  Questions should be referred to the Internal Auditor who also has numerous opinions and interpretations of the Act by the Secretary of State, Ethics Commission and the Attorney General.

Click on the link to view the SC Ethics Act in its entirety.

Updated: 08-25-2010

Reviewed: 02-11-2015

Updated: 07-25-2017

Updated: 09-24-2019