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Table of Contents

  1. Introduction
  2. Area Commission
  3. Information Technology
  4. Plans and Analysis
  5. Marketing
  6. Financial Affairs
  7. Facilities Management
  8. Human Resources and Employee Relations
  9. Development
  10. Procurement and Inventory Control
  11. Auxiliary Enterprises and Printing Services
  12. Public Safety
  13. Division of Education

    13-0-2 Course Syllabi and Addenda

    13-0-3 New Curriculum Program Development

    13-0-6 Grade Reports and Transcripts

    13-0-8 Full-time Faculty Workload/Overload

    13-0-9 Curriculum Content Changes

    13-0-10 Closing Academic Programs

    13-1-1 Live Work Projects

    13-2-0 Use of Resources Policy

    13-2-1 Library Material, Overdue

    13-2-2 Digital Resource Acquisition

    13-2-3 Duplication and Use of Copyrighted Material

    13-2-5 Materials Acquisition

    13-2-6 Acquisition of Consumable Books and Periodicals

    13-2-7 Repair, Replacement, Removal and Preservation of Materials

    13-2-8 Archives

    13-3-0 Academic Advisory Committees Policy

    13-3-1 Academic Advisory Committees

    13-4-0 Collection Development Policy

    13-4-1 Articulation

    13-5-1 Audiovisual Production Request

    13-6-1 Student Intellectual Property Rights

    13-7-0 Education Abroad Policy

    13-7-1 Education Abroad

    13-8-0 Institutional Review Board Policy

    13-8-1 Institutional Review Board

    13-9-1 Student Privacy, Distance Learning

    13-10-1 Academic Student Ceremonies

    13-11-1 Non-credit Programs, International Students for Non-academic Training

    13-12-1 Non-credit Programs

    13-13-1 Non-credit Programs, Registration

    13-14-1 Non-credit Programs, Refunds

  14. Intentionally Left Blank for Future Use
  15. Intentionally Left Blank for Future Use
  16. Admissions and Registrar
  17. Student Services

NUMBER: 13-8-0 APPROVED DATE: 11-14-2006

LEGAL AUTHORITY: 45 C.F.R PART 46 Common Rule for the Protection of Human Subjects

PURPOSE:  Trident Technical College (TTC) recognizes that scholarly work often involves the use of human subjects for data collection and analysis. In order to comply with federal policy as stated by the U.S. Department of Health and Human Services' "Common Rule for the Protection of Human Subjects" (45 C.F.R. Part 46), TTC has established an Institutional Review Board (IRB).  The IRB will ensure that all college-related research activities protect the individual rights of human participants, particularly in regard to issues of safety and confidentiality.  (Note:  The Common Rule is the term used by numerous federal agencies who have adopted the same regulations governing human subjects of research.)

ROLE:  The role of the IRB is:

  • to review proposed research projects that involve the use of human subjects
  • to ensure that all human subjects are treated ethically
  • to ensure that confidentiality is maintained
  • to ensure that all research subjects understand the methods, reasons for, and planned usage of research and give their consent freely.

The IRB has the authority to approve, require modification in, or disapprove all research activities involving human participants conducted under the auspices of the College.

Research that has been reviewed and approved by the IRB is subject to continuing IRB review and must be reevaluated at least annually or more frequently if specified by the IRB.


Federal regulations specify that Institutional Review Boards (IRB) must be made up of a minimum of five members and must include:

  1. A scientist
  2. An individual with expertise in a non-scientific area ("someone whose training, background, and occupation would incline them to view research activities from a standpoint outside of any biomedical or behavioral scientific discipline")
  3. An individual not affiliated in any way with TTC


Federal regulations require IRB committee member training as specified in the Trident Technical College IRB Procedure.

Reviewed: 06-17-2013

Reviewed: 09-10-2018