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Table of Contents

  1. Introduction
  2. Area Commission
  3. Information Technology
  4. Plans and Analysis
  5. Marketing
  6. Financial Affairs
  7. Facilities Management
  8. Human Resources and Employee Relations
  9. Development
  10. Procurement and Inventory Control
  11. Auxiliary Enterprises and Printing Services
  12. Public Safety
  13. Division of Education

    13-0-2 Course Syllabi and Addenda

    13-0-3 New Curriculum Program Development

    13-0-6 Grade Reports and Transcripts

    13-0-8 Full-time Faculty Workload/Overload

    13-0-9 Curriculum Content Changes

    13-0-10 Closing Academic Programs

    13-1-1 Live Work Projects

    13-2-0 Use of Resources Policy

    13-2-1 Library Material, Overdue

    13-2-2 Digital Resource Acquisition

    13-2-3 Duplication and Use of Copyrighted Material

    13-2-5 Materials Acquisition

    13-2-6 Acquisition of Consumable Books and Periodicals

    13-2-7 Repair, Replacement, Removal and Preservation of Materials

    13-2-8 Archives

    13-3-0 Academic Advisory Committees Policy

    13-3-1 Academic Advisory Committees

    13-4-0 Collection Development Policy

    13-4-1 Articulation

    13-5-1 Audiovisual Production Request

    13-6-1 Student Intellectual Property Rights

    13-7-0 Education Abroad Policy

    13-7-1 Education Abroad

    13-8-0 Institutional Review Board Policy

    13-8-1 Institutional Review Board

    13-9-1 Student Privacy, Distance Learning

    13-10-1 Academic Student Ceremonies

    13-11-1 Non-credit Programs, International Students for Non-academic Training

    13-12-1 Non-credit Programs

    13-13-1 Non-credit Programs, Registration

    13-14-1 Non-credit Programs, Refunds

  14. Intentionally Left Blank for Future Use
  15. Intentionally Left Blank for Future Use
  16. Admissions and Registrar
  17. Student Services

NUMBER: 13-3-1 APPROVED DATE: 09-11-2006


  1. Qualification and Selection.   Academic Advisory Committee members must have successful first-hand experience in the field and have the respect and confidence of their associates.

    Because Advisory Committee members should maintain close contact with the activities of the College, members must have adequate time to devote to committee activities.

    Committees will consist of a minimum of six external members representing both general interest and career expertise for the programs, unless an exception is approved by the Vice President for Education. The committee chair, elected from among the members, will serve a two year term.  Membership should be diverse with respect to race and gender and should include TTC graduates, if possible.

    The appropriate Academic Manager will submit nominees using the Academic Advisory Committee recommendation electronic form provided on under Portal's Committee Sites.  Because of their significant involvement in the College, current members of the TTC Area Commission, elected officials and the TTC Foundation Board of Trustees will not be nominated for committee services, unless accreditation requirements specify such membership. The electronic nomination form, which must be approved by the relevant dean, outlines the proposed member's present position, relevant experience, community activities and other supporting information.

    Upon final approval of the proposed addition, the Advancement Division will issue an official letter of invitation from the President to serve on the committee.

    Appointments to a newly organized committee will be for one- and two-year terms with half of the membership designated for each term. This will provide for a staggered replacement to ensure that there are always experienced members serving on the committee.  Although committees should not become static, members may, by mutual agreement, serve additional terms. 

  2. Attendance. Attendance by at least one half of the external committee members will constitute a quorum for each meeting.  Attendance may be in-person or via video or audio conferencing.
  3. Completion of Service.  Upon completion of service by an Advisory Committee member, it is the responsibility of the Academic Manager to notify the Advancement Division via email. This will ensure that the President provides a letter of appreciation to the departing member and the committee roster is updated. 
  4. Advisory Committee List.  It will be the responsibility of the office of the Vice President for Advancement to develop and maintain accurate lists of the advisory committees and membership rosters. The Advancement staff will update membership rosters to add, remove or reappoint members based on the electronic recommendation form or email request submitted by Academic Managers.  
  5. Academic Manager.  Each Academic Advisory committee will have an Academic Manager who is knowledgeable about the Academic Committee policy and procedures.  He/she will be the College's representative with primary responsibility for establishing and maintaining an active, effective advisory committee and for serving as the liaison between the committee and the institution.  Specific functions of the Academic Manager include the following: 
    1. Monitor and maintain an accurate committee roster by providing membership updates, additions, and deletions using the electronic recommendation form on under the Portal's Committee Sites or an email request to remove or reappoint.  
    2. Plan and schedule at least two meetings each year in conjunction with the committee chair.  Confirm the chair's attendance in advance or in his/her absence, arrange for another committee member to preside at the meeting.  
    3. Make appropriate physical and refreshment arrangements including timely reservation of the meeting site.
    4. Notify committee members and provide a meeting agenda to the Advancement Administrative Assistant at least two weeks prior to the meeting.  
    5. Adhere to budget procedures and allocations for meeting refreshments as established by the Advancement Division and submit original invoices and check request form (with name and Datatel ID#) to the Advancement Division in a timely manner.  TTC purchasing cards cannot be used for refreshment purchases.  
    6. Within three weeks of the meeting, compile minutes and transmit electronically to the Advancement Division for posting in under Portal's Committee Sites.
  6. Academic Advisory Committee Handbook.  The Vice President for Advancement, working in conjunction with the Vice President for Education, will annually review and update the Academic Advisory Committee handbook.  Academic Managers will distribute the handbook, which outlines advisory committee responsibilities, activities and procedures, to all committee members and ex-officio members.  An electronic copy will be available on under Portal's Committee Sites.
  7. Annual President's Meeting. The TTC President holds an annual meeting to recognize committee members and to provide college and program updates as well as an open forum for discussion.  This event will qualify as one of the two scheduled meetings of the academic advisory committee if at least one half of the external committee members attend.
  8. Records Retention. TTC has established a five-year retention schedule for academic advisory committee minutes which are stored electronically and in hard copy format in the Advancement Division according to the following General Records Retention Schedules for State Colleges and Universities (Schedules 12-804-6 Meeting Minutes, Non-Executive Levels).  Description: Records of meetings held by non-executive level staff.  Information includes agenda, place, date, list of attendees, and a summary of discussions and decisions.  Also included are informational attachments such as reports, proposals, memoranda and other information distributed to officials and staff for use in making decisions for an institution. Retention: Until no longer needed for reference; destroy.
  9. Responsibilities of Members and Committee Chair 
    1. To become knowledgeable about TTC and their respective programs.
    2. To attend and actively participate in regularly scheduled meetings.
    3. To share information about developments and trends in business and industry.
    4. To provide suggestions for improving educational and training opportunities.
    5. To assist with recruitment, placement and/or professional work experience of students.
    6. To identify resources and opportunities within their companies or career fields that could benefit students and/or academic programs.
    7. To be an advocate in the community for the college and its programs.
    8. To help identify cost savings while maintaining quality.

    Committee Chair: 

    1. To share in the member responsibilities listed above.
    2. To collaborate with the College's Academic Manager to schedule and plan meetings and to preside at each meeting.

Updated: 07-23-2009

Updated: 06-24-2013

Updated: 04-23-2018

Updated: 03-28-2019

Updated: 07-31-2020