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Table of Contents

  1. Introduction
  2. Area Commission
  3. Information Technology
  4. Plans and Analysis
  5. Marketing
  6. Financial Affairs
  7. Facilities Management
  8. Human Resources and Employee Relations
  9. Development
  10. Procurement and Inventory Control
  11. Auxiliary Enterprises and Printing Services
  12. Public Safety
  13. Division of Education

    13-0-2 Course Syllabi and Addenda

    13-0-3 New Curriculum Program Development

    13-0-6 Grade Reports and Transcripts

    13-0-8 Full-time Faculty Workload/Overload

    13-0-9 Curriculum Content Changes

    13-0-10 Closing Academic Programs

    13-1-1 Live Work Projects

    13-2-0 Use of Resources Policy

    13-2-1 Library Material, Overdue

    13-2-2 Digital Resource Acquisition

    13-2-3 Duplication and Use of Copyrighted Material

    13-2-5 Materials Acquisition

    13-2-6 Acquisition of Consumable Books and Periodicals

    13-2-7 Repair, Replacement, Removal and Preservation of Materials

    13-2-8 Archives

    13-3-0 Academic Advisory Committees Policy

    13-3-1 Academic Advisory Committees

    13-4-0 Collection Development Policy

    13-4-1 Articulation

    13-5-1 Audiovisual Production Request

    13-6-1 Student Intellectual Property Rights

    13-7-0 Education Abroad Policy

    13-7-1 Education Abroad

    13-8-0 Institutional Review Board Policy

    13-8-1 Institutional Review Board

    13-9-1 Student Privacy, Distance Learning

    13-10-1 Academic Student Ceremonies

    13-11-1 Non-credit Programs, International Students for Non-academic Training

    13-12-1 Non-credit Programs

    13-13-1 Non-credit Programs, Registration

    13-14-1 Non-credit Programs, Refunds

  14. Intentionally Left Blank for Future Use
  15. Intentionally Left Blank for Future Use
  16. Admissions and Registrar
  17. Student Services

NUMBER: 13-12-1 APPROVED DATE: 03-20-1996


PURPOSE:  In order to promote economic development, the College offers a comprehensive schedule of non-credit program seminars and courses, customized training, consulting services, and multi-year apprenticeship training.

    The Division of Education staff schedules and manages seminars, courses, workshops and programs offered by the College, or through co-sponsorships with external organizations.
    The college awards Continuing Education Units (CEUs) to participants who successfully complete qualifying programs on the basis of one CEU for every ten contact hours of instruction. These units are recorded to one decimal point. Thus, a qualifying non-credit program meeting for a total of twelve hours earns 1.2 CEUs for the participant. CEUs carry no credit toward degree/diploma programs and are separate and distinct from the College's curricular programs. The recording of CEUs does, however, provide a quantifiable, permanent record of achievement and is an indication of the knowledge and skills acquired by attending such programs.
    In order to qualify for CEUs, the program must meet the following criteria:
    1. Each activity is planned in response to educational needs, which have been identified for a target audience.
    2. Each activity has clear and concise written statements of intended learning outcomes.
    3. Qualified instructional personnel are involved in planning and conducting each activity.
    4. Content and instructional methods are appropriate for the intended learning outcomes.
    5. Participants must demonstrate their attainment of the learning outcomes.
    6. Each learning activity is evaluated by the participants.
    7. The sponsor has an identifiable unit, group, or individual with clearly defined responsibilities for developing and administering learning activities.
    8. The sponsor has a review process in operation that ensures the CEU criteria are met.
    9. The sponsor maintains a complete record of each individual's participation in accordance with the retention schedule established by the Department of Archives and History.
    10. The sponsor provides an appropriate learning environment and support services.
    Each non-credit program should recover its direct and indirect costs (to include materials, instruction, advertising, and administrative/internal overhead). These costs shall come from registration fees, grants, and/or third party payments. Payment to adjunct instructors and consultants shall be by contracts executed in advance of the respective program(s). Adjunct payrates shall be in accordance with College procedure.


Renumbered, renamed and moved from Section 15 to Section 13 September 2020.  Formerly 15-2-1 Continuing Education Programs.

Reviewed: 07-26-2007

Reviewed: 09-11-2012

Reviewed: 05-18-2017

Updated: 07-31-2020