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Table of Contents

  1. Introduction
  2. Area Commission
  3. Information Technology
  4. Plans and Analysis
  5. Marketing
  6. Financial Affairs
  7. Facilities Management
  8. Human Resources and Employee Relations
  9. Development
  10. Procurement and Inventory Control
  11. Auxiliary Enterprises and Printing Services
  12. Public Safety
  13. Division of Education

    13-0-2 Course Syllabi and Addenda

    13-0-3 New Curriculum Program Development

    13-0-6 Grade Reports and Transcripts

    13-0-8 Full-time Faculty Workload/Overload

    13-0-9 Curriculum Content Changes

    13-0-10 Closing Academic Programs

    13-1-1 Live Work Projects

    13-2-0 Use of Resources Policy

    13-2-1 Library Material, Overdue

    13-2-2 Digital Resource Acquisition

    13-2-3 Duplication and Use of Copyrighted Material

    13-2-5 Materials Acquisition

    13-2-6 Acquisition of Consumable Books and Periodicals

    13-2-7 Repair, Replacement, Removal and Preservation of Materials

    13-2-8 Archives

    13-3-0 Academic Advisory Committees Policy

    13-3-1 Academic Advisory Committees

    13-4-0 Collection Development Policy

    13-4-1 Articulation

    13-5-1 Audiovisual Production Request

    13-6-1 Student Intellectual Property Rights

    13-7-0 Education Abroad Policy

    13-7-1 Education Abroad

    13-8-0 Institutional Review Board Policy

    13-8-1 Institutional Review Board

    13-9-1 Student Privacy, Distance Learning

    13-10-1 Academic Student Ceremonies

    13-11-1 Non-credit Programs, International Students for Non-academic Training

    13-12-1 Non-credit Programs

    13-13-1 Non-credit Programs, Registration

    13-14-1 Non-credit Programs, Refunds

  14. Intentionally Left Blank for Future Use
  15. Intentionally Left Blank for Future Use
  16. Admissions and Registrar
  17. Student Services

NUMBER: 13-9-1 APPROVED DATE: 05-02-2016

LEGAL AUTHORITY: Section 59-53-57 of the 1976 Code of Laws of South Carolina as Amended

BASED ON POLICY NUMBER AND TITLE: SBTCE Policy 4-4-105 Information Security

Purpose: To establish the procedures and processes by which Trident Technical College (TTC) protects the privacy of students enrolled in distance education courses and programs.

Trident Technical College is committed to protecting the privacy of its students, including students enrolled in online and hybrid courses.  The following requirements ensure the privacy of students in distance learning courses and programs and supplement other TTC procedures related to data security and confidentiality of student records for all students, faculty and staff.

 Student Responsibilities

All students have a unique TTC ID number, username, and self-selected password, which they must use to access their portal as well as their courses in the college’s learning management system.  New students are required to establish their own password upon initial log in and can change their password confidentially at any time.

 Students are responsible for protecting their secure login information throughout their enrollment at the college.

 Faculty Responsibilities

All TTC faculty members are required to use the college’s learning management system to record student grades.  Faculty are trained in the importance of protecting student privacy and maintaining confidentiality of student information.

 Access to Information

TTC’s learning management system is structured to protect student privacy.  Students can view only their own information and information made accessible to the whole class by the instructor. Only the faculty members teaching a course and their department and divisional administrators may access student information in the learning management system. 

 Secure Login and Password

The college requires that all personnel adhere to college procedures and best practices for safeguarding login and password data.  The Director of Infrastructure Services is responsible for maintaining a standard operating process for secure login account and password creation, to include password change/reset instructions.


The Assistant Vice President for Instruction has responsibility for ensuring compliance with State and Federal guidelines and SACSCOC accreditation standards related to distance learning.

TTC Procedure 16-7-1 Student Records, Confidentiality applies to all students, including students enrolled in distance education courses and programs.

TTC Procedure 3-1-3 Information Security Plan describes measures use to protect privacy and personal information of all students, including students enrolled in distance education courses and programs.

Updated: 07-31-2020