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NUMBER: 12-2-0 APPROVED DATE: 01-17-1995

LEGAL AUTHORITY: S.C. CODE ANN. ยงยง59-116-20 (1976)

The president or her/his designee shall take the necessary steps to assure that adequate security of facilities and accountability of institutional equipment are established and maintained.

Persons to whom equipment is assigned or entrusted shall assume responsibility for the equipment in accordance with the appropriate guidelines and procedures.

College equipment is to be used only for official college activities. College employees, who need to take equipment off campus for use in college related activities, must receive permission from their supervisor and the inventory control coordinator.

All college equipment will be tagged with state bar coded identification numbers. These tags must remain attached to the equipment items and only be removed by inventory control personnel.

Periodic physical inventories will be conducted to account for college equipment. When college equipment is damaged or missing, the equipment custodian will notify the inventory control coordinator immediately. Public Safety will investigate all incidents of missing or damaged equipment and file an incident report when equipment is missing or if it has been identified as stolen or vandalized.

Reviewed: 02-07-2010

Reviewed: 08-15-2016

Reviewed: 01-21-2021