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NUMBER: 12-2-1 APPROVED DATE: 01-17-1995


Purpose: To define TTC's process for securing its buildings and facilities.

Trident Technical College’s Department of Public Safety (TTCDPS) is responsible for opening and securing the Main, Berkeley, Palmer, and Mount Pleasant Campuses during scheduled hours of operation or as required.   TTCDPS may also be responsible for opening and securing off-campus sites. 

After normal working hours, or at the conclusion of classes, Public Safety officers lock all academic and administrative buildings in order to maintain physical security. Secured and vacant campuses, sites, and buildings are also electronically monitoring by a central alarm company.  Upon notification of an activated intrusion alarm, Public Safety officers and/or officers from other law enforcement agencies having jurisdiction, will respond as appropriate.

Normal Operating Hours As Defined by the President

Buildings and facilities on the Main, Berkeley, Palmer, and Mount Pleasant campuses are opened daily by Public Safety officers according to the TTC Calendar or as necessary for scheduled events.  During normal operating hours, all campus are staffed by Public Safety officers.

The St. Paul's Parish site is opened and secured daily by faculty or staff assigned to that site during hours of the site's operation or as necessary for scheduled events.  Faculty and staff at the St. Paul's Parish site must notify Public Safety upon opening and closing the site. 

The St. George site is opened and secured daily by faculty or staff assigned to that site during hours of the site's operation or as necessary for scheduled events.  Faculty and staff at the St. George site must notify Public Safety upon opening and closing the site. 

Holiday Operating Hours  

Closed for Holidays When the college is officially closed for holidays, buildings and facilities on campuses and sites are not opened.  Public Safety officers are not staffed at the Berkeley, Palmer, and Mount Pleasant campuses except for special activities previously approved by a member of Cabinet, or as necessary during an emergency.  

Closed to the Public During optional holidays, when the college is closed to the public, faculty and staff at the Main Campus may work in accordance to the "Normal Operating Hours" procedures.  Directors at the Berkeley, Palmer, and Mount Pleasant campuses should determine if faculty or staff will be working at those campuses and coordinate Public Safety coverage with the Director or Deputy Director of Public Safety. 

After Hours

Public Safety officers are assigned to the Main Campus around the clock.  Public Safety officers are assigned to the Berkeley, Palmer, and Mount Pleasant campuses during normal operating hours. Faculty, staff, and students are not permitted on the Palmer, Berkeley, or Mount Pleasant campuses if Public Safety is not on duty at those campuses.  Employees planning to work at any campus or site outside of normal operating hours, overnight, or during holiday closures, must obtain prior approval from their respective Vice President, and approval must be sent to Public Safety in writing. 
College policies prohibit unapproved solicitation or loitering on campus. Disruptions of the educational environment, and trespass on College facilities or grounds are prohibited.   Violators may be escorted from campus, issued notice of trespass, or subject to arrest as warranted.

College Closed During Emergencies

When the college (or a campus/site) is closed due to an emergency, students and visitors will not be allowed access.  Non-emergency employees shall not come to the college (or the affected campus/site) unless specifically directed  or allowed to do so by their supervisor.  Local government agencies or contractors, which have the necessary trained personnel and emergency equipment needed to assist in emergency response, will be allowed access.

Key Control Procedures

Key Issuance/Daily: When necessary, authorized employees may sign out keys, on a temporary basis, from the Public Safety office at each campus.  Temporary keys must be returned to Public Safety before leaving campus and by the end of the day.

Key Issuance/Long Term:  Keys may be issued to full- and part-time employees for the duration of employment at the college.  Completed Key Applications on the Portal containing approval from a Department Head, Dean/Director, or Vice President must be submitted to the Public Safety office through the Portal.  Keys are to be picked up from the Public Safety office at the campus where they are to be used (Berkeley keys at Berkeley Public Safety, Palmer keys at Palmer Public Safety, etc.).  Keys will not be sent through the intercampus mail.

Employees cannot transfer or loan keys (issued on a long term or daily basis) to another person.  Employees must report missing, lost or damaged keys to Public Safety immediately.

Employees who transfer to other areas of the college, or terminate employment, must return all keys to Public Safety and complete a Key Return Receipt (Form T3-27).

Doors and Locks

Installation, modification, or removal of doors, padlocks, locks, and related hardware must receive prior written approval from the Director of Facilities Management and the Director of Public Safety.   Unauthorized or personal locks (with the exception of employee or student lockers) placed on college property and equipment will be removed.

Updated: 10-07-2010

Updated: 11-01-2012

Updated: 07-27-2015

Updated: 12-14-2015

Reviewed: 02-11-2019