2-13-0 EP5: Asset Protection and 12-1-0 Public Safety
PURPOSE: To establish guidelines for Skateboarding, Skating, Bicycling, Parkour and similar activities on all Trident Technical College (TTC) campuses and sites.
TTC recognizes that students use a variety of means of transportation on campus and navigate throughout the campus through various means. Although personal choice of transportation and navigation is important, TTC is obligated to consider the safety and well-being of the campus community, our visitors, and college property. To balance our concern for community safety and the ability to use various means of transportation and navigation, the College is providing the following guidelines regarding the use of bicycles, motorized or electrical scooters and bicycles, skates, skateboards, hover boards and similar equipment on campus. Additionally, the College is providing guidelines pertaining to parkour, which is defined as the activity or sport of moving rapidly through an area while negotiating obstacles by running, jumping, or climbing.
All individuals using bicycles, motorized or electrical scooters and bicycles, skates, skateboards, hover boards and similar equipment are expected to use the equipment in a manner which is appropriate, considerate of others, and respectful of college property. Individuals who use the equipment recklessly or without care of others and college property will be confronted, documented, and addressed through the College’s Student Code of Conduct. Persons using these modes of transportation do so at their own risk. Under South Carolina Law, persons who use such items are personally liable for their actions.
Individuals are prohibited from using or operating bicycles, motorized or electrical scooters and bicycles, skates, skateboards, hover boards and similar equipment on steps, railings, benches, loading docks, disability ramps, parking curbs, raised surfaces, and at building entrances. The use of bicycles, motorized or electrical scooters and bicycles, skates, skateboards, hover boards and similar equipment inside of campus buildings is strictly prohibited. Bicycles and motorized or electrical scooters and bicycles should be stored in bicycle racks and are not allowed in college buildings. Skates, skateboards, and hover boards and similar equipment must be stored in safe isolated locations that minimize the risk of harm to campus community. Skates must be removed before entering campus buildings. Skateboards and hoverboards must be picked up and carried when inside campus buildings.
The College’s goal is to ensure campuses are maintained as a safe and inviting environment for everyone. Reckless behavior which endangers individuals and property should not be undertaken. Accordingly, parkour and other types of reckless behaviors are prohibited on all campus property.
Individuals who use bicycles, motorized or electrical scooters and bicycles, skates, skateboards, hover boards and similar equipment may be subject to disciplinary action for leaving the scene of an accident in which they are involved that results in property damage and/or injury. Should an accident occur, identification must be presented to the other party and the accident reported to the Campus Public Safety Office.
The College may seek restitution if TTC property is damaged or destroyed. Public Safety officers are authorized to take possession of transportation equipment from users who act without caution or do not comply with these guidelines. Students who violate this procedure may be referred to the Vice President for Student Services for disciplinary action in accordance with the College’s Student Code of Conduct.
The College will be held harmless and shall not be liable for the negligent and/or reckless acts of students in violation of this procedure.