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NUMBER: 12-1-7 APPROVED DATE: 07-31-2001


PURPOSE:  To explain Trident Technical College's procedure regarding employees and students bringing children to campus.

To meet its mission of providing quality education, it is essential that the College maintain an environment that is conducive to student learning and employee productivity. For this reason, children should not be left unattended on campus.  Unattended children should be reported to Public Safety immediately.

Students should not bring children to class or leave them unattended on campus.  Students who bring their children with them will not be admitted to class.  Children cannot be taken to Testing Service while a parent/guardian takes a test.  They cannot be taken to The Learning Center while a parent/guardian has a tutoring session or uses The Center's media.  Children may not be taken into any TTC library or computer lab while the parent/guardian is studying or using library or lab resources.

Employees should not bring children to campus during scheduled work hours, and no employee should assume responsibility for on-campus supervision of children. Employees are expected to take leave until off-campus child-care arrangements are made.

As prescribed in the Catalog/Student Handbook, students should not bring children to class or leave them unattended on campus. Students whose children are with them or who are left unattended on campus should not be admitted to class.

Vice Presidents may approve exceptions to this procedure for employees who request permission to bring children to campus for events such as a "Shadow Day." Employees must make requests, in writing, to the appropriate Vice President in advance of the activity.

Updated: 03-09-2009

Reviewed: 08-15-2016

Reviewed: 01-21-2021