Course Withdrawal
After the deadline to drop a course ends, students may withdraw from a course. This action can be done through Navigate, or by completing a Course Withdrawal form at the Registrar's office or any campus location.
The withdrawal deadline is posted on the college calendar. A withdrawal will be noted on the transcript with a W. A withdrawal is not calculated into the GPA but can impact the student's completion rate for financial aid satisfactory progress.
It is the student's responsibility to initiate a withdrawal by the published deadline. Failure to do so will result in the appropriate earned grade on your permanent academic record. A decision not to attend a course does not constitute a withdrawal from it. If you stop attending classes without completing and submitting a withdrawal form to the Registrar's office, you risk harming your academic record with a failing grade. The withdrawal policy for some programs is more restrictive and will apply to students in those programs. Students are encouraged to speak with their academic advisor or success coach (formerly navigator) prior to withdrawing from a course.
Students should also have a discussion with their instructor before withdrawing. In many cases the student may think they are doing poorly but a conversation with the instructor could help the student realize they could successfully complete the course.
Students receiving federal student aid need to discuss course withdrawals with a financial aid officer prior to completing the action. Withdraws can impact financial aid eligibility.
How to Withdraw Using Navigate
Appeal for a Late Course Withdrawal
Students may submit an appeal for a late course withdrawal to the dean of their program if there was an extenuating circumstance that kept the them from meeting the published withdrawal deadline. An appeal for late course withdrawal will be considered only for circumstances that made it impossible to withdraw by the published last date to withdraw. The Appeal for a Late Withdrawal form is available in the TTC Portal. Appeals must be submitted no later than the end of the second semester following the semester when the instructor originally assigned the grade.
Drop or Withdrawal Due to Military Deployment
Active duty members and reserve members who have been called to active duty of any branch of the U.S. military or who have been or are deployed are eligible to drop from any or all classes with full tuition reimbursement. Service members who wish to be dropped must provide copies of their orders to the Registrar's office. The Registrar's office will verify that the dates of the deployment conflict with the course schedule. The deployment dates must fall within the start and end dates of the course. Once verification is completed, the Registrar's office will remove the course from the student's academic record and ensure any tuition charges are reversed.
Deployed U.S. military students who do not wish to be dropped from their classes may request a grade of Incomplete from the course instructor. If the instructor approves the request, the instructor will assign a grade of Incomplete when the final grade roster is submitted. Once the student completes all coursework, the instructor will submit a final grade for the student. If the instructor does not change the grade, the grade of Incomplete will convert automatically to a failing grade of F (or U for courses using grades of SC/U) at midterm of the following semester. Instructors have full discretion on the awarding of grades of Incomplete.