Academic Good Standing
Academic good standing occurs when your current semester GPA is at least 2.0 or higher than 2.0, and your last academic standing was not academic suspension.
Academic Warning
Academic warning occurs when your current semester GPA is below 2.0. If you are on warning, you will receive an email explaining the college’s academic warning/academic standing policy and advising you that you will be placed on academic probation if your semester GPA is below 2.0 for a second consecutive semester.
Academic Probation
Academic probation occurs when your current term GPA is below 2.0. If you are on probation, you will receive a letter from TTC explaining the college’s academic probation/academic standing policy and advising you that a second consecutive term GPA below 2.0 as well as a cumulative GPA below 2.0 will result in academic suspension.
Academic Suspension
An academic suspension occurs after any three consecutive semesters of enrollment in which your semester GPA is below 2.0, and first semester in which your cumulative GPA is below 2.0. Consecutive semesters of enrollment are any two semesters in which the student is enrolled even if there are semesters between in which the student is not enrolled. After being academically suspended for one semester, you must meet with a counselor in Counseling and Career Development Services.