Counseling Services
The Counseling and Career Development office provides a wide range of academic skills development, career, personal and disability counseling services.
The office does not provide academic advising. If you plan to schedule academic advising or registration for classes, please meet with a success coach (formerly a navigator) or academic advisor. If you are not sure who your success coach or academic advisor is, please visit the Academic Advising reference page.
Counselors are available to give you guidance with personal issues, work through academic concerns, and provide support towards achieving your goals.
The following services are available to all currently enrolled TTC students:
- Personal (Short-Term), Alcohol and Drug Abuse, and Interpersonal Violence (IPV) Counseling
- Workshops for Academic Skills Development
- Self-Help Resources and Materials
- Crisis Intervention
- Online Counseling
Counselors can help resolve concerns inside and outside of the classroom, and provide information on topics, tactics, and resources to help you succeed.
Cases or situations requiring treatment or services beyond staffing capabilities are referred to appropriate community resources (public and/or private).
For specific information on available services, please visit the links below:
Statement of Confidentiality
Counseling records are kept separate from academic records and are confidential. There are rare exceptions to confidentiality which include situations involving serious risk to your safety or to the safety of others; serious risk to property; communications concerning the abuse or neglect of minors or elders; and cases involving sexual harassment allegations at Trident Technical College. Access to counseling records is limited to staff members who need access to perform their professional duties.