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Health Sciences

Health Sciences

Programs Offered

If you want a fast-paced, rewarding career helping people, a career in health sciences is for you. A degree, diploma or certificate from Trident Technical College will prepare you for the following careers:

Workforce Training Programs

Important Announcements

*Effective Fall 2024, the Health Information Management Program will start a new class of students, and applications are now being accepted.

**Effective Fall 2024, Emergency Medical Technology programs have been moved to Law-Related Studies.

****COVID-19 vaccines as well as other vaccines/immunizations/titers may be required for some health sciences programs in order to attend clinicals. Should immunizations and titers be required by a clinical affiliate and the student refuses to obtain the vaccines/immunizations/titers, this may impact the student’s ability to be assigned to certain clinical rotations, which may in turn impact the student’s ability to continue in the program. ****


Admission and Transfer Information