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NUMBER: 11-0-1 APPROVED DATE: 09-13-1999

  1. Purchases:  Personnel authorized by budget administrators may make purchases in the bookstore and charge items to their departmental accounts.

  2. Billings:  Billing will be by means of a two-part cash register receipt processed at the time of purchase. The purchaser signs one copy and keeps the original receipt. The Bookstore retains the signed copy.

  3. Postings:  At the end of each month, the Bookstore totals the receipt forms by account number and sends the charges via email to the Finance Department for posting to the ledgers. Budget Administrators are to identify and monitor purchases on the monthly financial reports.

  4. Limitations: The Bookstore will not purchase items that are in conflict with the college's purchasing procedures. Since the college has a contract with an external vendor for office supplies, the Bookstore maintains a limited inventory of these items.

Updated: 11-21-2008

Reviewed: 06-04-2015

Reviewed: 02-11-2019