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NUMBER: 10-1-2 APPROVED DATE: 07-18-2005


PURPOSE:  This procedure outlines the review process for all proposed contracts/agreements.

Contract Review Process:

  1. Fill out a Contract Review Form (Form T3-45, is located in Etrieve Central found at
  2. Click on Forms>Procurement>Contract Review.  Enter contract information by selecting VP from the drop-down list.  Enter required information regarding Contract Type, PPI and if contract is IT related.  Enter remaining contract information and any needed comments.
  3. To attach the contract click the "attachments" tabs at the bottom of the screen and select "upload file(s)" and select the file you want to attach.  Click the Submit button when all steps are complete.
  4. Upon completion of the review process, the signed fully-executed contract shall be maintained as follows:
    1. Division of Education - affiliation agreements, memorandums of understanding, apprenticeship agreements, and any other related contracts which do not require approval from the Procurement department. The Vice President for Continuing Education is the designated contract custodian.
    2. Procurement – all contracts processed through and approved by Procurement. The Director of Procurement and Risk Management is the designated contract custodian.

Approval Authority:

The President or the Senior Vice President for Business Affairs must approve and sign all contracts/agreements with the following exceptions delegated by the President:

  1. Vice President for Education and/or the Assistant Vice President for Instruction may sign:
    1. Adjunct faculty contracts up to $25,000.
    2. TTC pre-approved affiliation agreements with clinical and other similar sites.
    3. TTC pre-approved apprenticeship agreements.
    4. TTC pre-approved memorandums of agreement and/or contracts to provide training.
    5. TTC pre-approved memorandums of agreement for tuition reimbursement.
    6. Articulation agreements with other colleges and universities.
  1. Vice President for Development and/or the Director of Grants Development and Administration may sign:
    1. Federal, state, corporate, foundation, or other initial grant applications.
    2. Non-disclosure agreements relating to federal, state, or corporate foundation, or other grant applications.
    3. Grant proposal and project modifications, as well as grant-specific required notifications.
  2. Director of Conference Services may sign TTC pre-approved space rental contracts for space designated in TTC Procedure 7-4-1.

* Questions about the preapproved format for affiliation agreements, training contracts or space rental contracts, please contact the President’s Office Contract Coordinator at 843-574-6649 or 843-820-5040.

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