Advantages of Online Classes
Below are a few of the advantages of taking online classes:
- Flexibility and Convenience – Maximize and prioritize your time. You choose when it is best to work on assignments and other course activities. Since you don’t have to travel to campus, you save time and money. You don’t even need to live in the area to attend TTC.
- Quality Instruction – Online courses cover the same topics as classroom courses but have been carefully adapted for online instruction.
- Interaction – You may not be in a classroom, but you have many opportunities to interact with your instructors and classmates. Some students find they feel more comfortable sharing ideas in the online format.
What to Expect
As an online college student you should expect:
- A challenge – Online courses require students to take responsibility for their own learning. Successful online students are organized, goal-oriented, and take the initiative to log in to their courses several times each week to participate.
- An emphasis on communication – Students are required to communicate with instructors and other students in various ways. Successful online students write with ease to express their thoughts and ask questions.
- A quality academic experience – Online courses at TTC cover the same topics, use the same faculty, and expect students to master the same competencies as face-to-face sections of the same courses. Faculty members have extensive training and are experienced in adapting their courses to online instruction. In addition, students have online access to many academic resources and student support services related to distance education.
Online Learning Preparation
Take a quick Online Readiness Survey to find out if you are ready to take online classes. Review the Online Learning Orientation for tips on how to succeed.
Communication and the Student Portal
TTC will communicate with you using the student portal, Here you will manage your TTC life, and receive various communications and news via student email, Navigate and D2L.
Trident Technical College provides a high quality, affordable education. Click here for tuition information.
Military Services
TTC Online College is a wise choice for military personnel and their dependents. Click here to learn more about our military services.
Student Services
Learn more about our impressive network of student services in Student Resources.
Learning Assistance
Trident Technical College offers free academic help for TTC students, including online students. Learn more.
Trident Technical College has been approved to participate in the National Council for State Authorization Reciprocity Agreements.