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NUMBER: 9-3-1 APPROVED DATE: 08-23-2001


PURPOSE:  This procedure explains Trident Technical College's (TTC) process for accepting donations to the College.  The Area Commission encourages donations to TTC, including equipment and other resources that can be used for classroom and training purposes.

GENERAL:  Trident Technical College may accept donations that benefit students, particularly for instructional and training purposes.  The President makes the final decision concerning acceptance of all donations to TTC.  While the College values all offers of donated equipment, department heads or deans should recommend that the College decline items that are not suitable or that require unacceptable amounts of maintenance or technical support.  Whether the items offered are accepted or not, it is important that the President acknowledge ALL offers in writing.  Therefore, employees must report every offer of donated equipment or resources using the Non-Cash Donation Form (Form T1-10_ADA).

Individuals cannot accept items on behalf of the College and then give them away.  Any items received on behalf of the College become property of the College.


  1. When a faculty/staff member (originator) is contacted regarding a potential equipment donation to the College, he/she explains to the donor that they must complete a Non-Cash Donation Form (T1-10_ADA).  The donor completes and signs the appropriate section of the form and returns it to the originator.  The originator completes the appropriate section and forwards it to his/her dean or department head.

  2. The department head/dean reviews the information and recommends one of two choices: acceptance by TTC or non-acceptance.  If he/she recommends that the College reject the offer, he/she must provide a brief explanation in writing.  The department head/dean then forwards the Form to the appropriate Vice President.  The Vice President reviews the form and forwards it to the President’s Office.  If the items are accepted, the originator is responsible for registration of any equipment requiring titles or other legal documents.  Originators are responsible for contacting Facilities Management regarding any specialized installation requirements such as electrical or other infrastructure construction, and Information Technology regarding information technology resources.

  3. The President reviews the recommendation and generates an acknowledgment letter to the donor. In cases where other departments or divisions might use the equipment in question, the President may choose to discuss it with Cabinet.  Letters to donors of accepted items include a description of the donated equipment, the donor’s estimate of value and the program that will benefit.  Letters to donors of items that the College does not accept include a description of the item, the reason for non-acceptance and an expression of thanks for the offer.  Only if the equipment is accepted will a photocopy of the completed Non-Cash Donation Form (T1-10_ADA) be attached to the acknowledgment letter.

  4. The President’s Office distributes copies of the completed Non-Cash Donation Form (T1-10_ADA) and the acknowledgment letter to the following:

                   Department Head
                   Vice President
                   TTC Foundation Executive Director
                   Director of Procurement
                   Receiving and Inventory Control

    If Receiving and Inventory or Facilities Management is responsible for pick-up of the equipment, they will contact the originator within one week of receiving the Non-Cash Donation Form (T1-10) and confirm the date of pick-up and delivery to campus.

Updated: 01-28-2010

Updated: 02-25-2013

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