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Apply to the Nursing Program

Once you apply to TTC, you will be given access to the student portal. A section of your student portal is devoted to academics and your academic site is Nursing. Within the Nursing academic site, all students wishing to enter a Nursing program should review the Nursing Program Admission Requirements and Application Process, which explains how to apply to one of our programs and other important points. After reviewing this information, students may use the online application found in the portal under My Education > Academic Programs and Sites to apply for the Nursing program of choice.

There is no deadline for applying to the Nursing program. Admission to the Nursing program is on a first-qualified, first-admitted basis.


Students using the Pre-Nursing Certificate as their admission option must complete the Pre-Nursing Certificate courses before applying to the PN or ADN program.

Apply to Generic Programs (Practical Nursing, Associate Degree Nursing)

Students applying to one of the Nursing programs must meet the general nursing admission requirements prior to submitting an application. Once these requirements are complete, students may submit an online Nursing Application to the Nursing Admissions Coordinator.

After you have been accepted, return the form accepting your seat in the Nursing program to the address in your acceptance letter by the deadline stated in your acceptance letter.

Additional requirements

Prior to enrolling in the first clinical Nursing course, all students must:

  • Have a minimum cumulative GPA of 2.0 and not be on academic or disciplinary suspension at the date of entry into the program.
  • Show evidence of a criminal background check and drug screen completed within six months prior to starting the Nursing program. Only criminal background checks and drug screens that are conducted through the agency designated by the college will be accepted.

Important Note: Instructions for obtaining criminal background checks and drug screens will be given to students the semester before the date of entry to the Nursing program. Students will be assessed a processing fee.

Apply to Advanced Placement Programs (LPN to ADN)

Students applying to one of the Nursing programs must meet the general nursing admission requirements prior to submitting an application. Once these requirements are complete, students may submit an online Nursing Application to the Nursing Admissions Coordinator. Please see the current Catalog for additional requirements for Advanced Placement Program.

After you have been accepted, return the form accepting your seat in the Nursing program either in person or by certified mail to the address in your acceptance letter and pay the $100 seat reservation fee to the Business office in Bldg. 410 on Main Campus by the deadline stated in your acceptance letter.

Additional requirements

Prior to enrolling in the first clinical Nursing course, all students must:

  • Have a minimum cumulative GPA of 2.0 and not be on academic or disciplinary suspension at the date of entry into the program.
  • Show evidence of a criminal background check and drug screen completed within six months prior to starting the Nursing program. Only criminal background checks and drug screens that are conducted through the agency designated by the college will be accepted.

Important Note: Instructions for obtaining criminal background checks and drug screens will be given to students the semester before the date of entry to the Nursing program. Students will be assessed a processing fee.

Upcoming Nursing Virtual Information Sessions

Nursing Information Session
Jan. 16, 4-5:30 p.m.

Future Nursing Information Session dates:
Feb. 12
March 11
April 17
May 15
June 17