Dear Student,
Welcome to Trident Technical College! You are joining a special community of over 11,500 students and nearly 600 faculty and staff members who have come together to learn and grow. We are so glad you are here.
Success isn’t achieved by chance. It requires planning, much hard work, and the support of family, friends and other resources. Quite often, obstacles and struggles are part of the path to success. At Trident Tech, we are committed to your success, and our commitment comes in many forms. Faculty and staff provide assistance with services such as one-on-one faculty advising, financial aid services, personal and career counseling, and job placement.
We know that your academic achievements will lead to success on personal, professional and financial levels. We also know your success will impact our community, region, state and even the world. Be sure to take advantage of all we offer at TTC. Success is yours for the taking, and we’re excited to be a part of it.
This catalog is effective Fall semester 2024 and provides policies, guidelines and requirements for the 2024-2025 academic year.
Getting Started At TTC
Areas of Interest
College Divisions
Common Links
How To Use This Catalog
Trident Technical College's catalog is now completely online with features that help you navigate through your academic career. Information is organized so that you can find your way via multiple paths. For example, if you know your program of study, you easily can find information by navigating through the Areas of Interest or Academic Divisions. Once you find the program, you can access the courses required and see their descriptions with just a click or a hover. Producing a pdf version of a page or two is easy, too. Simply click on the "Create PDF" button, and you see options for digital and print.