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NUMBER: 4-0-2 APPROVED DATE: 04-02-2001

PURPOSE: The purpose of this procedure is to provide guidance for individuals requesting surveys. Institutional Research must approve request for surveys administered to the College's general student population and/or individuals or organizations external to the College.

The faculty or staff member(s) requesting the surveys should submit to Institutional Research:

  • The name of the administrative unit and/or committee which needs the survey data
  • The purpose/objectives of the survey
  • The use and dissemination of the survey results
  • The specific population to be surveyed including a sample size, if necessary, and the methods used to select the sample design specifications for the survey
  • The individuals who will initially receive the results
  • A proposed timeline

Institutional Research will provide assistance in developing the survey plan, designing the survey instrument, and developing data analysis.  Institutional Research will administer the survey.

Updated: 10-30-2009

Reviewed: 03-06-2017

Reviewed: 02-25-2022