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Avionics Maintenance Technology

Associate Degree  

General Technology – Avionics Technology Career Path $0 Tuition


Avionics Maintenance Technology $0 Tuition

Technology Core

What can I do in avionics maintenance?

Avionic technicians are trained to remove, troubleshoot, repair and install aircraft electronic systems, including the associated wiring and structural mounting of the systems. After repairing avionic systems, technicians are responsible for performing operational checks of the system to ensure the system works as designed.

What characteristics and skills do I need to work in this field?

Anyone desiring a career in avionics maintenance technology should possess a basic knowledge of math and physics. An aptitude for electronics and mechanics is helpful. Reading comprehension also is a desirable skill. Some of the work involves some physical abilities such as standing, bending and crawling into tight places. The ability to work on scaffolding with power tools is required at times.

Where can I work?

Avionic technicians typically find work at major airlines, FAA repair stations and even aircraft manufacturers.

What does Trident Technical College offer?

The Avionics Maintenance Technology program at TTC is for students who enjoy installing and repairing electronic systems used in today’s modern aircraft, and leads toward Federal Communications Commission (FCC) and National Center for Aerospace & Transportation Technologies (NCATT) certification.

Trident Technical College is a 2024 Center of Excellence for Domestic Maritime Workforce Training and Education (CoE) designee by the U.S. Department of Transportation, Maritime Administration.