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Electrical Line Worker

Associate Degree

Electrical Line Worker Technology $0 Tuition


Electrical Line Worker: Advanced $0 Tuition

Electrical Line Worker: Third Class $0 Tuition

What can I do as an electrical line worker?

Electrical line workers install and repair electrical power systems.

What characteristics and skills do I need to work in this field?

You must have the technical and mechanical knowledge and skills to repair and replace complex electrical lines and equipment as well as excellent troubleshooting skills. Because of the demanding nature of the job, electrical line workers must have physical strength and stamina. Teamwork is also very important.

Where can I work?

Electrical line workers are employed by electrical cooperatives, municipal or investor-owned utilities, or line contractors. Line workers are in high demand due to residential growth and the retirement rate of the current line force and the need to replace them.

What does Trident Technical College offer?

Combining classroom instruction and practical experience in the lab – climbing poles, working on wires and repairing circuits – Trident Technical College’s program prepares you to begin working as an electrical line worker.