High School Location
- Students who are interested in taking TTC classes offered at their high school must be registered for their courses with their high school counselor during their normal high school registration period.
- The School Counseling/Guidance Office should submit class rosters to the Division of School and Community Initiatives at least four weeks prior to the start of the TTC semester. Rosters will then be reviewed for eligibility verification and registration.
TTC Campus/Site Location or Online
- Students who are interested in taking classes at a TTC campus or online must first receive approval from their school counselor or homeschool association. Pending approval, students should submit the online DUAL ENROLLMENT ADD/DROP REQUEST FORM in order to request their desired courses.
- Students can view TTC’s available courses each term through COURSE SEARCH.
- Students may drop a TTC course without penalty within the first 1.5 weeks of the semester.
- Students may add a TTC course within the first 5 days of a 14- or 18-week semester, or within the first 3 days of a 7-week term. These requests can be submitted using the DUAL ENROLLMENT ADD/DROP REQUEST FORM.
- It is not recommended that students add a class more than two days after the class’ initial start date, unless special circumstances have been presented and approved.
- Students must drop or add a class offered at TTC or online through the Division of School and Community Initiatives.
- Students enrolled in a TTC course offered at their high school must first go through their high school counselor in accordance with the school’s drop/add policy.
- It is the responsibility of the school counselor and student to ensure that the Division of School and Community Initiatives is notified that the student has been dropped from a TTC class, offered at the high school, in order to have the course removed from the student’s TTC schedule.
- Withdrawing from courses after the Drop/Add period will result in a “W” on the college transcript. School counselors/administrators should strongly encourage all students to meet with them prior to contacting the Division of School and Community Initiatives to withdraw.
- Students and parents should be made aware of the potential effect of a withdrawal on the student’s high school transcript according to the SC Uniform Grading Policy.
- Students will still be responsible for tuition costs of the courses from which they withdraw, unless otherwise directed by their high schools.