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Table of Contents

  1. Introduction
  2. Area Commission
  3. Information Technology
  4. Plans and Analysis
  5. Marketing
  6. Financial Affairs
  7. Facilities Management
  8. Human Resources and Employee Relations

    8-0-0 Non-Discrimination of Persons with Disabilities Policy

    8-1-0 Affirmative Action and Non-Discrimination Policy

    8-1-1 Employment Practices

    8-1-3 Establishment and Classification of Positions

    8-1-4 Teacher and Employee Retention Incentive Program (TERI)

    8-2-0 Sexual Harassment and Unprofessional Conduct

    8-2-1 Sexual Harassment and Unprofessional Conduct: Reporting, Investigation, Resolution and Grievance Process

    8-3-2 Hazardous Weather

    8-4-1 Personnel Work Schedules and Overtime Compensation

    8-4-2 Employment of Temporary Faculty

    8-4-3 Employment of Temporary Classified Employees

    8-4-4 Adjunct Faculty Salary

    8-5-1 Faculty, Teaching

    8-5-3 English Fluency Requirements for Faculty Employment

    8-5-4 Intellectual Property Rights

    8-6-1 Political Activity

    8-7-1 Employee Alcohol/Drug Use

    8-8-1 Employment Verification

    8-8-2 Background Checks

    8-9-0 Conflict of Interest Policy/Ethics, Government Accountability & Campaign Reform Act of 1991

    8-9-1 Honorariums, Gratuities, and Gifts

    8-9-2 Prohibition of Unauthorized Use of College Assets/Information

    8-9-3 Solicitation and Distribution of Non-College Related Materials

    8-9-4 Employee Recognition, Official and Unofficial

    8-10-1 Employee Terminations

    8-12-1 Personnel Files

    8-13-1 Leave Records

    8-13-2 Leave, Temporary Disability

    8-13-3 Leave Without Pay

    8-13-4 Workers' Compensation

    8-13-5 Employee Assistance Guidelines

    8-13-6 Employee Leave Transfer Program

    8-13-8 Faculty Non-Work Days

    8-13-10 Employee Benefits, Employer-Contributed Insurance & Retirement

    8-14-1 Secondary Employment

    8-15-1 Classified Employees Compensation

    8-16-1 Orientation, New Employees

    8-16-2 Telecommuting

    8-17-1 Holidays

    8-18-1 Employment of Relatives (Nepotism)

    8-19-0 Statement of Ethical Principles for Employees

    8-21-0 Whistleblower Policy

    8-21-1 Whistleblower Procedure

    8-22-1 Records Retention

  9. Development
  10. Procurement and Inventory Control
  11. Auxiliary Enterprises and Printing Services
  12. Public Safety
  13. Division of Education
  14. Intentionally Left Blank for Future Use
  15. Intentionally Left Blank for Future Use
  16. Admissions and Registrar
  17. Student Services

NUMBER: 8-4-3 APPROVED DATE: 06-13-1995


SBTCE Policy 8-7-100 Employment Practices

PURPOSE:  To explain  Trident Technical College's (TTC) hiring process for temporary classified employees.

Temporary Employee

Temporary Employee is a full-time or part-time employee who does not occupy an FTE position, whose employment is not to exceed one year, and who is not a covered employee. S.C. Ann. 8-17-320. Under no circumstances will a temporary employee who has worked twelve (12) consecutive months continue working unless there has been a break in service of no less than fifteen (15) calendar days.


  1. The College uses two processes for filling temporary classified positions: (a) temporary classified contract, and (b) temporary employment agency hires.
  2. The manager must first determine which of the two processes will better suit the needs of the department/division.
    • If one or more of the following situations applies, using a temporary classified contract would likely be the better choice:   
    • The assignment is likely to be of some duration--i.e., months rather than weeks.
    • There is adequate time to advertise and interview.
    • The position requires specialized skills not commonly available through agencies.
    • The position requires substantial training/orientation.
    • The continuity of the person placed in the position is important.
    • The manager has identified a well-qualified non-agency prospect.

If one or more of the following situations applies, a temporary employment agency would likely be the better choice:

  • The need is short term.
  • The position needs to be filled quickly.
  • Employee turnover would not create significant problems.
  • Little or no training is required for the job.
  • Specific skills commonly provided by agency personnel are required.
  • No specific candidate has been identified for the short-term job.
  • A known, competent individual is available through the agency.


The Human Resources office staff is prepared to assist in the recruitment and selection of a suitable temporary contract employee. If the manager desires Human Resources' assistance, he/she should notify the Employment Manager of the temporary contract position to be filled by email. The message should specify qualifications desired, necessary hours per day, hourly rate of pay, starting date, and approximate length of assignment. Temporary contracts should neither exceed twenty-five (25) hours per week, nor exceed six (6) months.  This includes temporary employees with multiple contracts at TTC.  Contracts for longer than six months require prior written approval of the President or designee and contracts for more than twenty-five (25) hours per week require the President's written approval via completion of Request for Temporary Classified Contract Exceeding 25 Hours/Week (TTC Form T3-115).

Employees are eligible for health coverage benefits in accordance with the Public Employee Benefits Authority’s (PEBA) guidelines, unless they work less than thirty (30) hours per week.

Employees are eligible for retirement benefits under the SC Retirement System (SCRS) or State Optional Retirement Program (ORP).

Once the manager has identified an appropriate candidate for the temporary employment contract, the following are required:

  1. Completion of a Temporary Employment Agreement (T3-20), including manager/supervisor and vice president, or designee, signature and dates..
  2. Completion of Request for Secondary Employment (TTC Form T3-24) AND Acknowledgement of Conditions and Provisions of Dual Employment (TTC Form T3-46), if applicable. 
  3. Completion Disclosure and Authorization to Obtain Information (TTC Form T3-107).
  4. The hiring manager or designee forwards package to Human Resources staff for completion and processing.


A list of South Carolina state contract temporary employment agency vendors is available on the South Carolina Materials Management website: This is a multi vendor contract list. The contract lists the minimum pay rates for each job classification as well as the percentage markup for each vendor. To use the contract:

  1. The hiring manager
    • reviews the positions and job descriptions available on the state contract to determine which job description is appropriate for his or her need.
    • reviews the temporary employment services minimum pay rate per hour for the classification chosen. This is the amount that the temporary employee will be paid.
    • chooses vendor from the list of providers for the Charleston area. The vendor mark up is the percentage to be added to the minimum pay rate.
    • contacts the chosen employment agency directly to make arrangements for temporary personnel. If the employment agency can provide a temporary worker, the manager enters a requisition, prior to the beginning date of the service, which includes the following information.
      • Name of temporary employee to be hired
      • Period of time employee will be hired
      • Total number of hours
      • Pay rate and position title
      • Name of supervisor
      • Location where temporary employee will be working
  2. If the contractor chosen cannot provide a temporary employee, the manager contacts another agency from the list.
  3. If none of the listed agencies can provide a temporary employee, the manager enters a requisitions for specific requirements and contacts the Procurement Department staff. The Procurement Department staff then makes the procurement in accordance with the South Carolina Procurement Code.
  4. The Procurement Department staff will issue an order to the agency. If at any point during the contractual staff via electronic mail. Changes may include, but are not limited to the following: period of time to be worked and the individual chosen.
  5. The Accounts Payable Department staff will compare the temporary employee time cards with the purchase order and pay the appropriate invoices. If there are discrepancies between the purchase order and the invoice, the Accounts Payable Department staff contacts the manager to discuss resolution of discrepancies prior to making payment to the agency.

Updated: 02-23-2010

Updated: 06-13-2011

Updated: 08-12-2014