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Table of Contents

  1. Introduction
  2. Area Commission
  3. Information Technology
  4. Plans and Analysis
  5. Marketing
  6. Financial Affairs
  7. Facilities Management
  8. Human Resources and Employee Relations

    8-0-0 Non-Discrimination of Persons with Disabilities Policy

    8-1-0 Affirmative Action and Non-Discrimination Policy

    8-1-1 Employment Practices

    8-1-3 Establishment and Classification of Positions

    8-1-4 Teacher and Employee Retention Incentive Program (TERI)

    8-2-0 Sexual Harassment and Unprofessional Conduct

    8-2-1 Sexual Harassment and Unprofessional Conduct: Reporting, Investigation, Resolution and Grievance Process

    8-3-2 Hazardous Weather

    8-4-1 Personnel Work Schedules and Overtime Compensation

    8-4-2 Employment of Temporary Faculty

    8-4-3 Employment of Temporary Classified Employees

    8-4-4 Adjunct Faculty Salary

    8-5-1 Faculty, Teaching

    8-5-3 English Fluency Requirements for Faculty Employment

    8-5-4 Intellectual Property Rights

    8-6-1 Political Activity

    8-7-1 Employee Alcohol/Drug Use

    8-8-1 Employment Verification

    8-8-2 Background Checks

    8-9-0 Conflict of Interest Policy/Ethics, Government Accountability & Campaign Reform Act of 1991

    8-9-1 Honorariums, Gratuities, and Gifts

    8-9-2 Prohibition of Unauthorized Use of College Assets/Information

    8-9-3 Solicitation and Distribution of Non-College Related Materials

    8-10-1 Employee Terminations

    8-12-1 Personnel Files

    8-13-1 Leave Records

    8-13-2 Leave, Temporary Disability

    8-13-3 Leave Without Pay

    8-13-4 Workers' Compensation

    8-13-5 Employee Assistance Guidelines

    8-13-6 Employee Leave Transfer Program

    8-13-8 Faculty Non-Work Days

    8-13-10 Employee Benefits, Employer-Contributed Insurance & Retirement

    8-14-1 Secondary Employment

    8-15-1 Classified Employees Compensation

    8-16-1 Orientation, New Employees

    8-16-2 Telecommuting

    8-17-1 Holidays

    8-18-1 Employment of Relatives (Nepotism)

    8-19-0 Statement of Ethical Principles for Employees

    8-21-0 Whistleblower Policy

    8-21-1 Whistleblower Procedure

    8-22-1 Records Retention

  9. Development
  10. Procurement and Inventory Control
  11. Auxiliary Enterprises and Printing Services
  12. Public Safety
  13. Division of Education
  14. Intentionally Left Blank for Future Use
  15. Intentionally Left Blank for Future Use
  16. Admissions and Registrar
  17. Student Services

NUMBER: 8-1-1 APPROVED DATE: 06-13-1995


SBTCE Policy 8-7-100 Employment Practices

PURPOSE: To define the employment process for full-time equivalent positions and to ensure compliance with Equal Employment Opportunity Laws and enforcement of the College's Affirmative Action Plan.


  • Trident Technical College Human Resources:  the Human Resources Department at Trident Technical College (TTC)
  • System Human Resources Office: the Human Resources Office personnel employed by the State Board for Technical and Comprehensive Education (SBTCE) located in Columbia, SC
  • Division of State Human Resources (DSHR):  the Human Resources office personnel employed by the Department of Administration located in Columbia, SC
  • Underutilization: a situation where the participation rate of a population of employees in a job category does not meet or exceed the availability rate of our recruiting area
  • Hiring Manager:  the employee at TTC who consults with Human Resources during the recruitment process
  • Assistant Human Resources Director: the employee at TTC who handles matters involving the classification and compensation of positions
  • Talent Acquisition Manager: the employee at TTC who handles matters involving recruitment of positions
  • Associate Vice President for Human Resources:  the employee at TTC who oversees the Human Resources department and serves as the Affirmative Action and Equal Opportunity Employment (AA/EEO) officer at TTC


Established positions:  Under normal circumstances, after the President provides TTC Human Resources with an official acceptance of the employee's letter of resignation or Notification of Termination of Employment (TTC Form T3-71), TTC Human Resources will send the appropriate hiring manager a Job Opening Notice (JON) (TTC Form T3-12) - which includes underutilization information for Affirmative Action purposes, a copy of the current Position Description (PD), Interview Team Form (TTC Form T3-106), and TTC Job Opening Advertisement Template.

  1. The hiring manager must review the PD for accuracy.  If the PD requires updating or if the position merits a reclassification, the hiring manager must consult with the Assistant Human Resources Director to process these changes. Upwardly reclassifying a position requires the Vice President's as well as the President's prior approval.  The hiring manager must forward the completed JON and the advertisement information to Human Resources when he/she finalizes the PD.  These forms and information will serve as the requisition for recruitment.  Generally, the Talent Acquisition Manager should receive the JON and its accompanying documents no later than noon on Tuesday in order for the position to be advertised externally the following Sunday.  (See the RECRUITMENT section for advertising internally.)
  2. Some situations may warrant exceptions to the above paragraph.  For example, due to the cyclical nature of faculty employment, recruitment for faculty may generally begin when the Vice President for Academic Affairs provides written authorization to Human Resources.  This authorization may be based on anticipated and prioritized vacancies as well as confirmed vacancies.  Another example is in the case of an emergency hire situation.  In any case of this nature, the hiring manager must follow up with an approved JON prior to making any employment recommendation(s).

New positions: The President, or designee, must approve establishing a new position to include a review of the availability of funds.  The hiring manager must develop a PD describing the functions and specific duties of the position and the minimum qualifications required to perform these duties for review by the Assistant Human Resources Director.  After gaining all institutional approvals, the Assistant Human Resources Director will forward the PD to the System Human Resources Office for appropriate action. After reviewing, the System Human Resources Office will forward the PD to the Division of State Human Resources (DSHR) for establishment.  

      1.  When a new position is approved by the Division of State Human Resources (DSHR), the TTC Human Resources office will send the appropriate hiring manager a JON, which includes underutilization information for Affirmative Action purposes as well as a copy of the approved PD for the job. The manager should retain the PD for later reference and update, when necessary.  The hiring manager must forward the completed JON along with advertisement information to the Talent Acquisition Manager.  These forms and information will serve as a requisition for recruitment.  Generally, the Talent Acquisition Manager should receive the JON and its accompanying documents no later than noon on Tuesday in order for the position to be advertised externally the following Sunday.  (see the RECRUITMENT section for advertising internally


  1. The hiring manager/supervisor must obtain concurrence from their supervisor and Vice President when they consider organizational structure changes
  2. Upon concurrence, the Vice President may propose the organizational structure change to the President.
  3. The President, or designee provides the final approval/denial for the organizational structure change to the Vice President.  The Vice President conveys this approval to the hiring manager and the Associate Vice President for Human Resources.  The HR department staff will make revisions to the institutional organization chart.


  1.  Human Resources will advertise job vacancies with appropriate application deadlines.  The advertisement must run for at least five (5) working days.
  2.  The hiring manager, with guidance from TTC Human Resources regarding AA/EEO and other concerns, and their Vice President, shall have discretion to advertise internally and/or externally.  The hiring manager should make final determination of recruitment method(s) and sources(s) and must comply with the College's Affirmative Action plan.
  3. Advertising a job vacancy may be waived under two extenuating circumstances and only with the President's prior approval.  The first circumstance is if an emergency situation exists requiring the vacancy to be filled immediately.  Justification of the emergency must be made to the President by the Vice President.  The second circumstance is when the President approves the promotion of an employee one organizational level above the employee's current level.
  4. If the President believes that an exception to the State's minimum education and experience is warranted, a request must be made through the System Human Resources office to
    DSHR for an equivalency approval.  The DSHR Director must approve such equivalency prior to consideration of any such applicant.
  5. When appropriate, applications for specific vacancies may first be limited to TTC employees, then, if necessary opened to external candidates.  Depending on the type of position and its potential applicant pool, either all or selected TTC employees will receive a vacancy announcement.  These internal job announcements will include a statement similar to "Applicants for this position will be limited to TTC employees.  However, this position may be advertised externally at a later date."  
  6. TTC Human Resources, in consultation with the hiring manager, will plan and implement external searches.  Managers will use the JON to communicate the extent of involvement they desire.  The College will email weekly announcements of all positions available to community agencies, colleges and universities acknowledged in TTC's Affirmative Action Plan.  TTC will use additional newspapers, websites, journals and media as appropriate.
  7. Positions which have been advertised externally will appear in a link on the Monday Edition, the College's weekly information publication, so that TTC employees are apprised of open positions.  TTC employees who apply for such positions will compete with external candidates on an equal basis.
  8. If the College does not receive a sufficient pool of qualified applicants or if the initial number of applicants does not provide an adequate minority or female representation and the position is in a race/sex group that has an underutilization, the College may extend the closing date.  If the number of qualified applicants is not sufficient or if the applicant pool is not diverse, the Associate Vice President for Human Resources, or designee, consults with  the supervising Vice President on re-advertising the position.


  1. An interview team must be established and used for all vacancies, with the exception of administrative support staff who report to one person.  Typically, if this position is located at a site other than main campus, a representative from that site should be a member of the interview team.  In limited circumstance, the  Associate Vice President for Human Resources may grant exceptions.
  2. The supervising Vice President works with the hiring manager to establish a diverse interview team and selects or approves the team members and chairperson.  The hiring managers will communicate the members of the interview team to the Associate Vice President for Human Resources via the JON.  The Vice President and the chairperson of the Committee works with the Associate Vice President for Human Resource  to achieve AA/EEO goals.
  3. The chairperson coordinates the review of application materials and discuss AA/EEO concerns with the team prior to interviewing candidates.  They also discuss compliance with AA/EEO regulations during the interview process as well as emphasize confidentiality by all before, during and after the screening/interview process.  They submit the interview list and questions to the Talent Acquisition Manager prior to scheduling interviews.
  4. The interview team members review applications that meet the minimum advertised requirements prior to the interviews.  They develop questions for the candidate(s) and participate in the interview process.  They participate in recommending the hiring of a candidate using qualifiable criteria to the extent possible.  They may assist with completing the candidate evaluation forms and must maintain confidentiality of conversations and all materials regarding the screening/interview process with team members.


  1. The College accepts applications in response to announced vacancies ONLY and requires a separate application for each vacancy for which a person applies.  To apply, external and internal candidates must use South Carolina's E-Recruitment System,
  2. All applications for advertised full-time and part-time positions must be submitted via South Carolina's E-Recruitment System. The Talent Acquisition Manager will review all applications to identify those who meet the advertised minimum education and experience requirements.  The Talent Acquisition Manager will only refer applications of those individuals who meet the advertised minimum education and experience requirements to the hiring manager.  However, the hiring manager may review ALL applications upon request.  When necessary, the TTC HR staff will request assistance from the hiring manager to determine whether or not an applicant is qualified.  Individuals who do NOT meet the advertised minimum education and experience requirements are NOT considered applicants.  Candidates are NOT considered applicants until they fulfill the following criteria: a) they complete an electronic application, AND; b) they meet the minimum education and experience requirements advertised for the position.
  3. TTC Human Resources will send an electronic notification to unqualified individuals, for unsolicited application forms, and for other employment inquiries for full-time equivalent positions to acknowledge receipt of the information and provide an explanation as to why their information was not forwarded to the hiring manager.  These notifications will also explain that the College requires a separate application as each vacancy occurs.
  4. TTC Human Resources does not track information received for part-time positions for affirmative action purposes, nor does TTC HR send these individuals an acknowledgement notification.
  5. TTC Human Resources will work with each hiring manager as appropriate throughout the process.


  1. The hiring manager along with appropriate members of the interview team(at the discretion of the hiring manager) will be responsible for determining which applicants from the referral file will be interviewed.  They should make their decision based on the job requirements advertised and set forth in the PD and JON.  The Associate Vice President for Human Resources must approve any exceptions.
  2. The JON captures any AA/EEO underutilization information.  TTC Human Resources will also use the Employee Selection Summary (TTC Form T3-31) to remind the hiring manager of any underutilization for the College and the division.  The summary also indicates the number of applications from minorities and/or females included in the referral file.
  3. The College must treat all interviewees in the same manner; thus the same person(s) should conduct all interviews, if practical.  To assist hiring managers toward this end, the Talent Acquisition Manager will provide two electronic hiring packets containing information specific to the hiring manager's job posting.  The electronic packets will contain the following documents:
    • Sample interview questions
    • Affirmative Action Plan implementation guide
    • Applicant listing
    • "Do's" and "Don'ts" of interviewing
    • A check list outlining the employment forms
    • Record of Interview forms (TTC Form T3-65)
    • Employee Selection Summary (TTC Form T3-31)
    • For faculty hires:  the Faculty Credential Review (TTC Form T4-25)
  4. The hiring manager or interview team chair must document each interview conducted by completing the Record of Interview form (TTC Form T3-65).  When more than one person conducts the interview, the Record of Interview should reflect the group's consensus.  Only if consensus is not possible should each interviewer complete a separate Record of Interview.
  5. AA/EEO efforts are the responsibility of everyone in the hiring process.  The Associate Vice President for Human Resources will assist and ensure that those efforts are adequately documented.
  6. The department head/dean must complete a Faculty Credential Review (TTC Form T4-25), which will be included in the selection package.  The Faculty Credential Review provides verification that the academic credentials for the faculty candidate are appropriate for the institution to employ competent faculty members qualified to accomplish the mission and goals of the institution.  Academic Affairs keeps this form on file with SACSCOC teaching credentials obtained and verified by Institutional Research.


  1. The hiring manager will make the employment recommendation; the appropriate managerial supervisors, including the Vice President must approve this recommendation.  The Associate Vice President for Human Resources will also review recommendations.  Final approval for employment rests with the President.
  2. In preparation of an offer of employment to a faculty candidate, TTC Human Resources must give the selected candidate a Faculty Compensation Questionnaire (C.Q.); the candidate should complete this Questionnaire and submit it to Human Resources by the specified date.
  3. For positions that are not in the Public Safety Department or Nursing Department, TTC Human Resources must give the candidate a Disclosure and Authorization to Obtain Information (TTC Form T3-107). The candidate should complete this form and submit it to Human Resources by the specified date. Reference TTC Policy 8-8-2 (Background Checks) for additional information.
  4. When the hiring manager decides which applicant to recommend, the Assistant Human Resources Director will work with the hiring manager to establish an appropriate salary; the hiring manager and the Assistant Human Resources Manager should complete this step prior to any signatures of approval.  In the case of faculty positions, the Human Resources Manager must evaluate the Faculty Compensation Questionnaire and the department head and dean must concur with this evaluation.
  5. The hiring manager must provide justification in the space provided on the Employment Recommendation (TTC Form T3-68) as well as submit a justification to the Assistant Human Resources Manager as requested.  The justification should include specific information such as level of education, total years of experience, market demand, local market salary data, uniqueness of skills/knowledge, etc., as appropriate.  Refer to TTC Procedures 8-15-1 (Classified Employees Compensation) and 8-5-1 (Faculty, Teaching) for additional information regarding compensation.
  6. Hiring managers should prepare an employee selection packet for the purpose of securing the required approvals.  The packet should contain at least the following:
    1. Employee Selection Summary (TTC Form T3-31)
    2. Employee Recommendation (TTC Form T3-68)
    3. Record(s) of Interview (TTC Form T3-65) for the person being recommended as well as all the applicants interviewed
    4. Completed Faculty Credential Review (TTC Form T4-25), if applicable
    5. Complete Faculty Compensation Questionnaire, if applicable
    6. Applicant Listing
    7. An explanation of why minorities or females were not interviewed if applicable
  7. As the AA/EEO officer, the Associate Vice President for Human Resources will review each selection file before sending it to the President to ensure the employment recommendation complies with the College's Affirmative Action plan.  If appropriate, the AA/EEO officer will take the following actions:
    • Review credentials of the qualified minority and female applicants and when necessary discuss the employment decision with the supervising Vice President.
    • Consult with the President.
    • Recommend any appropriate affirmative action steps to the supervising Vice President.
    • Advise the President of affirmative action efforts and compliance as well as any other concerns.


  1. Before any offer of employment is extended, a Background Check must be performed.  Refer to TTC Policy 8-8-2 (Background Checks) for additional information.
  2. After the President approves a faculty appointment, the Assistant Human Resources Director will extend the job offer to the applicant and notify the hiring manager of the employment start date. A Vice President may request that hiring managers extend the job offer. When this occurs, the Assistant Human Resources Director will notify the hiring manager that will extend the job offer. If the hiring manager extends the job offer, they must advise the Assistant Human Resources Director of the employment start date.
  3. After the President approves the hiring of a classified employee, the Assistant Human Resources Director will extend the job offer to the applicant and notify the hiring manager of the employment start date. A Vice President may request that hiring managers extend the job offer. When this occurs, the Assistant Human Resources Director will notify the hiring manager that will extend the job offer. If the hiring manager extends the job offer, they must advise the Assistant Human Resources Director of the employment start date. If a position requires a physical or other pre-employment test, offers are made contingent upon receiving favorable results.
  4. Human Resources will conduct initial onboarding and new employee orientation.

Updated: 02-15-2000

Updated: 03-20-2007

Updated: 08-25-2010

Updated: 02-06-2012

Updated: 06-07-2017

Updated: 04-17-2024