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Dorchester County QuickJobs Training Center  

Students train onsite for jobs in their own community either through classes offered publicly or through contractual training with their employer at the Dorchester County QuickJobs Training Center. A college education is also within reach since academic credit courses can be offered at the center. You can apply these credits toward a certificate, diploma or degree. Community members can also enroll in personal enrichment classes for the pure pleasure of learning new and fun subjects. In collaboration with SC Works, Dorchester County Adult Education and other community partners, the center offers a variety of other services and resources such as job fairs, training resources, tax preparation clinics, and financial management workshops to help students and participants achieve their goals and succeed.

The Dorchester County QuickJobs Training Center offers free high-speed internet and computer classes for members of the community at the Public Computer Center.

Dorchester County QuickJobs Training Center

5164 E. Jim Bilton Boulevard
St. George, SC 29477



Monday-Thursday, 8:30 a.m.-5 p.m.

Friday, 8:30 a.m.-noon

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