
2024-2025 Catalog

Computer Technology - Information Systems Specialist

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Associate in Applied Science in Computer Technology

Information Systems Specialist Career Path

60 Credit Hours

This program prepares students for careers in a variety of information technology areas. It gives students a foundation in computer hardware, computer applications, computer programming, the Internet and computer networking. Information systems administrators are involved in many different aspects of computer technology and can expect to employ their skills in a variety of ways to assist all computer users in commercial settings.

Students can earn only one Computer Technology degree in a single career path.


Accounting, Business and Management, Computer Technology and Administrative Office Technology
Accreditation Council for Business Schools and Programs
11520 West 119th St.
Overland Park, KS 66213

General Education Core Requirements

ECO 210 Macroeconomics 3
ECO 211 Microeconomics 3
ENG 101 English Composition I 3
IDS 109 First Year Experience Seminar 3
MAT 110 College Algebra 3
MAT 120 Probability and Statistics 3
MAT 155 Contemporary Mathematics 3

REQ HUM Select from Humanities 3

Total:   15

Major Requirements

CPT 114 Computers and Programming 3
CPT 162 Introduction to Web Page Publishing 3
CPT 172 Microcomputer Database 3
CPT 174 Microcomputer Spreadsheets 3
CPT 180 Shell Scripting 3
CPT 209 Computer Systems Management 3
CPT 242 Database 3
CPT 264 Systems and Procedures 3
CPT 282 Information Systems Security 3
IST 166 Network Fundamentals 3
IST 190 Linux Essentials 3

Total:   33


Select four courses from the following options.

Microcomputer Programming Option

CPT 167 Introduction to Programming Logic 3
CPT 187 Object-Oriented Logic and Design 3
CPT 237 Advanced Java Programming 3
CPT 244 Data Structures 3

Business Application Solutions Specialist Option

CPT 179 Microcomputer Word Processing 3
CPT 270 Advanced Microcomputer Applications 3
CPT 290 Microcomputer Multimedia Concepts and Applications 3

Internet Programming Option

CPT 238 Internet Scripting 3
CPT 262 Advanced Web Page Publishing 3
CPT 283 PHP Programming I 3
IST 239 Datum and JavaScript 3

Database Administration Option

CPT 202 SQL Programming I 3
IST 272 Relational Database 3
IST 274 Database Administration 3

Linux Systems Administration Option

IST 191 Linux System Administration 3
IST 192 Linux Network Applications 3
IST 198 Cloud Essentials 3

Cisco Certified Network Associate Option

IST 201 Cisco Internetworking Concepts 3
IST 202 Cisco Router Configuration 3
IST 203 Advanced Cisco Router Configuration 3

CompTIA Systems Specialist Option

IST 293 IT and Data Assurance I 3

Other Electives

ARV 217 Computer Imagery 3
ARV 227 Website Design I 3
CPT 208 Special Topics in Computer Technology 3
CPT 297 Big Data Analytics 3
CPT 298 Introduction to Software as a Service (SaaS) 3
IST 235 Handheld Computer Programming 3
IST 290 Special Topics in Information Sciences 3

Any CPT or IST course not required in the career path.

Total:   12

Cooperative Work Experience/Internship Option

CWE Cooperative Work Experience *
IST 286 Technical Support Internship I 3

Admission Requirements

Admission into this program requires proof of high school graduation (or GED) and qualifying placement levels.