Educational Programs for Veterans/ Dependents and Active and Reserve Personnel
Qualified veteran students may be considered for various financial aid or scholarship programs. All students are encouraged to apply for all available programs. Additional information is available at the Veterans Assistance office, the Financial Aid office or by visiting TTC’s website.
Montgomery G.I. Bill (Chapter 30): This program provides 36 months of full-time benefits to veterans or military personnel who have served at least 24 months of active duty and made a $100 per month contribution in the first 12 months of service ($1,200). These students also may qualify for VA work-study positions when available.
Veterans Readiness & Employment-VR&E (Chapter 31): This program pays tuition, fees, textbooks, supplies and equipment, plus a monthly subsistence allowance to veterans with a compensable service-connected disability. Tutorial assistance is available but must be requested as early in the semester as possible. Eligible students may qualify for VA work-study positions when available.
Dependents Educational Assistance (Chapter 35): This program provides benefits for spouses and children of veterans who, resulting from active duty, died of service related causes or have been awarded 100 percent total permanent disability. There are many different eligibility requirements for this program. Please visit the Veterans Assistance office for help in completing your application. These students may qualify for VA work-study positions when available.
S.C. State Free Tuition Program: Children of veterans, who were either residents of South Carolina at the time of entry into service or who have resided in South Carolina for at least one year, may be eligible for the S.C. State Free Tuition Program. The program requires that the veteran served honorably in the armed forces of the United States during a period of war and either died while in service or as a direct result of service; or was a POW or MIA; or is totally or permanently disabled as determined by the Veterans Administration; or has been awarded the Congressional Medal of Honor. The veteran, if disabled, must still reside in South Carolina. These students are not eligible for VA work-study positions unless they also receive Chapter 35 benefits.
Payment of Benefits - Chapter 35 Survivors' and Dependents' Educational Assistance Program (DEA): Eligible students receive benefits based on their particular VA benefit program and training time while at TTC. The Veterans Administration processes benefit payments at the end of the month for that month’s enrollment. Advance payment of the first partial month’s benefit and second full month’s benefit is available if you are entering college for the first time or you were previously enrolled but have a break of 30 days or more between sessions. The VA must receive advance pay request at least 60 days before and not more than 120 days before the beginning of each semester. Advance payment is not applicable to Chapter 33 students.
Choice Act-Section 702-Choice Act allows for all Covered students to be charged in-state tuition. Covered students are those students enrolled using GI Bill Benefits.
Post-9/11 Veterans Educational Assistance Act of 2008: This educational program (Chapter 33 of Title 38 U.S. Code) provides benefits for individuals who served on active-duty on or after Sept. 11, 2001, for at least 30 continuous days and were honorably discharged due to a service-connected disability, or served for an aggregate period ranging from 90 days to 36 months. Additional information is available at
The Department of Veterans Affairs determines the payment of benefits for Summer Semester or any accelerated terms by calculating the number of whole weeks in the semester or term and the number of credit hours of enrollment for that semester/term. Contact the Department of Veterans Affairs if you have questions concerning your benefit calculation for accelerated terms.
Active-Duty Tuition Assistance: This program pays all or part of tuition costs for college courses taken while on active-duty. Each branch of the military administers it. Check with your Military Education office for program requirements. Tuition assistance forms should be processed through your Military Education Center and submitted to the TTC Business office well in advance of the start of the semester.
Other Resources for Dependents: Educational loans may be available through Army Relief, Navy Relief and Air Force Aid societies for qualified children or spouses of active-duty servicepersons, servicepersons who died while on active-duty or retired status, or veterans on retired status.
General Information: The federal, state or private agency administering these educational assistance programs has sole responsibility for determining eligibility and awarding benefits. Most federal VA educational benefits are payable for 10 years from the date of discharge or the date of eligibility. Generally, veterans with dishonorable discharge are not eligible. Federal or state legislation reserves the right to change, without notice, any programs and guidelines for eligibility.