
2022-2023 Catalog

Course Descriptions

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The following provides basic information about the academic course credit available at Trident Technical College. Courses are typically offered during the semesters identified; however, the schedule is subject to change based on the availability of faculty, funds and enrollment. The college reserves the right to cancel any course due to insufficient enrollment. For more detail on the terms, times and delivery methods of course offerings, see Course Search.

Course Hours and Credits

Following the three letter prefix and course numbers are numbers that indicate lecture, laboratory and credit hours. The number of lecture hours in class each week and/or the number of laboratory/clinical hours in each week combine to make up the total “contact” hours required for the class each week. Contact hours equate to the time spent under the direct supervision of a faculty member. The contact hours are the sum of the first two numbers shown. The credit for the course is the last number shown.

TTC uses the semester credit hour system for all academic courses. Credits are based on the number of lecture hours and the number of lab/clinical hours. 

Nondegree  Credit

Courses labeled nondegree credit will not count toward graduation requirements in any certificate, diploma or degree program.


Prerequisites are required before enrolling in a course; they will be identified following the course description. 

Corequisites are courses that must be taken at the same time and will be identified following the course description.

Most courses have additional prerequisite reading skills that can be demonstrated by test scores or transfer credit.

Accounting (ACC)

Aircraft Maintenance Technology (ACM)

Air Conditioning and Refrigeration (ACR)

Architectural Engineering Technology (AET)

Agriculture (AGR)

Allied Health Sciences (AHS)

Aircraft Manufacturing (AMF)

Automated Manufacturing Technology (AMT)

Anthropology (ANT)

Administrative Office Technology (AOT)

Art (ART)

Visual Arts (ARV)

American Sign Language (ASL)

Astronomy (AST)

Automotive Technology (AUT)

Avionics Technology (AVT)

Banking and Finance (BAF)

Biology (BIO)

Baking (BKP)

Business (BUS)

Civil Engineering Technology (CET)

Commercial Graphics (CGC)

Chemistry (CHM)

Computer Integrated Manufacturing (CIM)

College Orientation (COL)

Communication (COM)

Cosmetology (COS)

Computer Technology (CPT)

Criminal Justice (CRJ)

Culinary Arts (CUL)

Cooperative Work Experience (CWE)

Dental Assisting (DAT)

Dental Hygiene (DHG)

Early Childhood Development (ECD)

Electrical and Computer Engineering (ECE)

Economics (ECO)

Education (EDU)

Industrial Electricity-Electronics (EEM)

Electronics Engineering Technology (EET)

Engineering Technology (EGR)

Engineering Graphics Technology (EGT)

Electronic Instrumentation Technology (EIT)

Electrical Line Worker (ELW)

Emergency Medical Technology (EMS)

English (ENG)

Environmental Technology (EVT)

Foreign Languages (FLG)

Film Production (FLM)

French (FRE)

Fire Science Technology

Geography (GEO)

Health Information Management (HIM)

History (HIS)

Hospitality and Tourism (HOS)

Horticulture (HRT)

Homeland Security Management (HSM)

Humanities (HSS)

Humanities (HUM)

Human Services (HUS)

Interdisciplinary Studies (IDS)

Industrial Engineering Technology (IET)

Industrial Mechanics (IMT)

Information Systems Technology (IST)

Journalism (JOU)

Paralegal (LEG)

Literature (LIT)

Logistics (LOG)

Media Arts Production (MAP)

Mathematics (MAT)

Medical Assisting (MED)

Mechanical Engineering Technology (MET)

Management (MGT)

Marketing (MKT)

Medical Laboratory Technology (MLT)

Marine and Nautical Technology Non-Equivalent (MNT)

Machine Tool Technology (MTT)

Music (MUS)

Nursing (NUR)

Occupational Therapy Assistant (OTA)

Physical Education (PHE)

Philosophy (PHI)

Physics (PHY)

Political Science and Government (PSC)

Psychology (PSY)

Physical Therapist Assistant (PTH)

Quality (QAT)

Radiologic Technology (RAD)

Religion (REL)

Respiratory Care (RES)

Integrated Reading and English (RWR)

School-Age and Youth Development (SAC)

Science (SCI)

Social Sciences (SCS)

Sociology (SOC)

Spanish (SPA)

Speech (SPC)

Truck Driving (TDR)

Theater (THE)

Transportation and Logistics (TRL)

Veterinary Technology (VET)

Welding (WLD)