
2023-2024 Catalog

Police Pre-Academy Training

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The Police Pre-Academy Training (PPAT) certification is for individuals who seek to become employed as a law enforcement officer in South Carolina and become Class-1 Certified Law Enforcement Officers (LEO) through the South Carolina Criminal Justice Academy (SCCJA) and the Law Enforcement Training Council (LETC) pursuant to South Carolina Code of Laws Chapter 23.

Major Requirements

CRJ 281 Police Science I 3
CRJ 282 Police Science II 3
CRJ 283 Police Science III 3
CRJ 284 Police Science IV 3

Total:   12


Admission Requirements*

Entry into the program requires the following: 

  1. Must be a U.S. Citizen.
  2. Must be a high school graduate or have an equivalency.
  3. Must successfully pass a criminal background check.
  4. Must be at least 20 years of age to enter program. 

*Individual does not have to be currently employed with a law enforcement agency to enter the PPAT program but will have to become employed with a SC Law Enforcement Agency prior to attending the 8-week academy program in Columbia. The individual does not have to be 21 years old to enter the program but should not be more than a year away from turning 21 when entering the program. Agencies will still have the option to hire someone and put them through their own pre-academy certification process incurring their own time and costs, if they choose.