Electronics Engineering Technology (EET)
EET 001 | EET 001 | * |
Indicates credit given for electronics engineering technology course work transferred from another college for which there is no equivalent course at TTC. *Hours vary depending on external course.Read More |
EET 113 | Electrical Circuits I | 4 |
This course is a study of direct and alternating currents, covering resistance and impedance in series, parallel and series-parallel circuits using Ohm’s Law, Kirchhoff’s laws, and basic circuit theorems. Circuits are analyzed using mathematics and verified using electrical instruments.Read More Prerequisites |
EET 131 | Active Devices | 4 |
This course is a study of semiconductor theory and principles, diodes and diode circuits, transistors and transistor circuits, and other components. Circuits are modeled, constructed and tested.Read More Prerequisites |
EET 145 | Digital Circuits | 4 |
This course is a study of number systems, basic logic gates, Boolean algebra, logic optimization, flip-flops, counters and registers. Circuits are modeled, constructed and tested.Read More |
EET 274 | Selected Topics in Electrical-Electronics Technology | 3 |
This course is a current study of current topics related to electrical electronics engineering technology. Technical aspects of practical applications are discussed.Read More Prerequisites |